MA Theses
2021 Theses
Play in Juvenile African Naked Mole-Rats (Hereocephalus Glauber)
Frank J. Diglio
Body States of Asian Elephants Within and Around Protected Areas in the Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Caitlyn Thai
Hungry Hungry Humpbacks: A Preliminary Study of Lunge Feeding in the New York Bight
Samantha E. Smith
Influence of Group Change on Scent Marking in a Wild Population of Verreaux’s Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi)
Julia C. Dickerson
Investigating Social Preferences in a High Fission-Fusion Society of Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia Variegata)
Patricia A. Adamo
Pre- and Post-Partum Observations of Signature Whistle Characteristics of the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Robert Dutchen
The Impact of Location and Time of Day on the Expression of Social and Physical Maintenance Behaviors in Wild Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in Thailand
Summer Fiori
Effects of Feeding Enrichment on the Behavior of Ex-Pet Ring-Tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta)
Amanda Rodriguez
Pushing It to the Limit: Determining Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Olfactory Sensitivity and Discrimination Through a Behavioral Choice Task
Matthew S. Rudolph
2020 Theses
2019 Theses
Dolphins in Space: Quantifying the Relative Positions of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Megan S. McGrath
Object Permanence in Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)
Dalia Miller
The Use of Trazodone Hydrochloride to Reduce Stress in Dogs During the Transition Period into a Municipal Animal Shelter: Impact on Incidence of Illness, Length of Stay, and Outcome
Jennifer L. Abrams
Link Link Circus
Isabella Rossellini
Observation of Visitors at a Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Ecotourism Site Reveals Opportunity for Multiple Modes of Pathogen Transmission
Darcey Glasser
Is There Synergy Between Song Learning and Vocal Stimuli Discrimination Training?
Kenta Watanabe
An Investigation of Vocal Learning Propensity in Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
Tatsuya Hayashi
Allomaternal Care by Conspecifics Impacts Activity Budgets of Colobus guereza Mothers
Dominique L. Raboin
Visual Illusion Susceptibility in Dogs using the Ebbinghaus-Titchener Illusion in a Spontaneous Choice Task
Nicolette Becker
Unique New York: Examining the impact of breed labels, phenotypic variations, and geography on length of stay in a multi-location New York limited intake animal shelter
Nicole Passmore
2018 Theses
2017 Theses
Does Genotype Correlate With Phenotype? Evaluating Ruffed Lemur (Varecia spp.) Color Vision Using Subject Mediated Automatic Remote Testing Apparatus (SMARTA)
Raymond Vagell
Assessing Behavioral Syndromes in Captive Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens) Using an Ethological Approach
Tyler C. Bray
Assessing Preference for Contrafreeloading and Other Feeding Strategies in Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)
Jacinthe Sasson-Yenor
Adult human perception of distress in the cries of bonobo, chimpanzee and human infants
Taylor Kelly
Reward Preferences in Domestic Horses (Equus caballus)
Elizabeth E. Jaeger
The Association of Feline Behavior to Acoustical Features of Kitten Directed Speech
Daniela Acevedo
Domestic Cat Ethology: Evaluating Social Media for Data Collection
Patricia Casey
Effects of Fluoxetine on Social and Startle Behavior in the African Cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni
Stephanie Shih
Feline Object Play: The Influence of Catnip
Keri DeTorres
2016 Theses
An Analysis of Canine Processing of Stimulus Compounds Varying in Light and Sound Intensity
Katherine O. Compitus
A Case Study: Observations of Behaviors & Vocalizations in a Captive Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) During Quarantine
Alexandra L. Dilley
Ménage à Trois in the Atlantic Brief Squid (Lolliguncula brevis): Prior Presence Affects Mate Choice
Rachel A. Schlessinger
The Effects of Conspecifics on Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) Behavior during Behavioral Rehabilitation Treatments
Breanna Schultz
Effects of Ultra-violet B on the behavior of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Edgar Alarcon
In the Eyes of the Beholder: Pet Owners’ Attitude Toward Animals and Perception of Their Pet’s Behavior
Suzanne K. Remito
The Effect of Play Group on the Behavior of Shelter Dogs
Stephanie Flower
Investigating Attachment Behavior in Shelter Dogs
Anamarie Johnson