Program Faculty

Andrea Baden, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College
Primate Molecular Ecology Laboratory
Research interests: Primate molecular ecology, life history, population genetics, conservation
*Able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Christopher Braun, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Associate Provost for Research, Hunter College
Research interests:
Sensory systems in animals, neural substrates of vibration and sound detection, sensory variation, ecology, evolution
*NOT able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Kirsty Graham, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Research interests: Primate behavior and communication, evolution of gesture, comparative cognition, community science approaches
*NOT able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Joshua Plotnik, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Director, Animal Behavior and Conservation Graduate Programs
Comparative Cognition for Conservation Lab
Research interests: Convergent cognitive evolution, comparative cognition, elephant behavior and cognition, applications of animal behavior and cognition research to conservation in practice
*Able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Diana Reiss, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Research interests: Comparative cognition, animal behavior and communication, marine mammal cognition
*NOT able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Thomas Preuss, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Research interests: Neuroethology of escape behavior, neural decision making, neural plasticity, sensorimotor integration of biologically relevant visual and auditory inputs
*Able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Jessica Rothman, PhD
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College
Wildlife Ecology & Nutrition Project
Research interests: How primates meet their nutritional needs through interactions with their environment and how sociality, movement, and disease intersect with nutritional ecology
*Able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Ofer Tchernichovski, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Laboratory of Social Learning & Cultural Evolution
Research interests: Mechanisms of vocal learning
*Able to mentor MA thesis track students*

Jennifer Savoie, PhD
Doctoral Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Hunter College
Internship Coordinator, Animal Behavior and Conservation MA Internship Track Program
Research interests: Convergent cognitive evolution, comparative cognition, brain and behavioral lateralization
*NOT able to mentor MA thesis track students*
Affiliated Researchers
*Affiliated researchers listed below are NOT able to serve as primary mentors for MA thesis track students*
Sarah Byosiere, PhD, Director of Canine Research and Development at Guide Dogs for the Blind
Joseph Barber, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Hunter College
John Fraser, PhD, President and CEO, New Knowledge Organization Ltd.
Dina Lipkind, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, York College
Donald E Moore, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Hunter College
Irene Pepperberg, PhD, Research Associate
Stephen Zawistowski, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Hunter College